I'll be honest, I love spring cleaning. There is just something about getting rid of things and making others sparkling clean that just is so satisfying to me. There. I've said it. But do I get everything, every time? Probably not. So, I was very interested in this story from ehow.com on what we are forgetting to clean. Boy am I glad I saw this! Some of our favorites are below. You've been warned!

  • Iron - Use baking soda and vinegar to get rid of that sticky residue which could ruin your clothes
  • Pillows - wash and dry to get rid of dust mites and body oil every three months
  • Mattresses - combine baking soda and a few drops of essential oil and sprinkle on the top. This should refresh any odors in about 30 minutes
  • Toys - wash with vinegar to get rid of odors and germs
  • Dishwasher - vinegar and baking soda once a month with refresh the insides and get rid of residue and odors, and will also deter mildew from forming
  • Window Screens  - every six months use soap, water, and a soft scrub brush to clean excess dirt
  • Carpet - a homemade solution of peroxide and dish soap has less chemicals to steam your carpets. And it's way cheaper.
  • Shower Head - contains mold and mildew, so clean every few weeks, for sure!
  • Garbage Can - sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of the can to neutralize odors before they start
  • Inside Your Car - a homemade solution of almond oil, peppermint essential oil, vinegar and distilled water is a great way to keep the inside of your car dust free, and smelling sweet. Just put the ingredients into a jar, and use with a cloth

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