I love a good pun, and it appears that the Homer, Alaska Police Department's social media manager is full of them.

The memes they place in their Facebook posts are quite funny and, when paired with a parody song (like Vanilla Ice/Ice, Ice, Baby, below), the song instantly plays in my head while I read the text of the post.

via Homer Police Department Facebook
via Homer Police Department Facebook

With their references to pop culture icons, like Joe Dirt, the posts from the Homer Police Department make me truly LOL.

via Homer Police Department Facebook
via Homer Police Department Facebook

I mean, whoever is managing this social media page is really good, because being a police officer or other member of the police force is a serious job, so to be able to bring some levity to the job, without offending anyone these days, is quite a feat.

Homer Police Department via Facebook
Homer Police Department via Facebook

Not only do people appreciate the humor on the social media site, but they are also very curious as to who it is that's actually running the site.

via Homer Police Department Facebook
via Homer Police Department Facebook

I mean, how do they come up with this stuff? So funny!

Homer Police Department via Facebook
Homer Police Department via Facebook

Using Dr. Dre to remind people that school zones are coming back into effect? Come on, man!

via Homer Police Department Facebook
via Homer Police Department Facebook

Again, residents of Homer are asking who is behind the posts, and residents in neighboring Soldotna are wishing that their police department had a cool social media manager.

A Spongebob DUI public service message? Yes, please!

Homer Police Department via Facebook
Homer Police Department via Facebook

And the guesses as to who is responsible for the posts continue to pour in, and it appears that the department is keeping a tight lid on it (hence the Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe reference).

via Homer Police Department Facebook
via Homer Police Department Facebook

At first, I thought that the Facebook page was a parody page (similar to the Unofficial: Lafayette City Government page), but the Homer Police Department Facebook page is legit.

And they are using one of my favorites: Calvin and Hobbes!

Homer Police Department via Facebook
Homer Police Department via Facebook

Whoever is making the posts is excellent at getting a very serious message out while still keeping it light and, at times, filled with puns and humor. Nickelback albums for transport to jail? THIS STUFF IS GOLD!

via Homer Police Department Facebook
via Homer Police Department Facebook

The posts go on and on and on - so much so that I was doing the death scroll while trying to write this story.

Homer Police Department via Facebook
Homer Police Department via Facebook

Kudos to whoever is responsible for the Homer Police Department's Facebook page. Here, have a donut!

via Homer Police Department Facebook
via Homer Police Department Facebook

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