A restaurant in Ohio is preparing to open its doors to guests as they enter Phase 1 of re-opening the economy and they are taking precautionary measures to protect their guests.

The Twisted Citrus restaurant in North Canton, Ohio has put shower curtains up between tables in an effort to protect their guests from coming into contact with others in the restaurant.

The curtain acts as a barrier between guests and the objective is to help stop the spread of germs or diseases in the restaurant.

The owner of the establishment says that the curtains, which are being used between tables when they can't be 6-feet apart, will be sterilized after each seating.

Sure, it may look ineffective to some, but you have to applaud the restaurant's effort here. They are being proactive here and they really do have their guests health in mind.

Like so many other businesses, all that this restaurant wants to do is re-open its doors and put their employees back to work.

But, let me ask, how would you feel if you walked into your favorite restaurant and saw this? Would this make you feel safer or would this deter you from staying? You can let me know in the comment section below.

Here are a few more photos of the shower curtains in The Twisted Citrus restaurant.



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