The thermostat setting in one's home can often be the source of debates and/or fighting among family members. It also determines how well you sleep and exactly how much you are going to pay for your energy bill.

Now, I have always understood that having your thermostat at 65 degrees at night is a good idea for you to get the best sleep. I'm not completely wrong, but according to the Sleep Foundation, it is best to keep your thermostat between 60 and 68 degrees.

I can completely understand wanting it cool to be able to sleep, but who can afford the thermostat to be on anything lower than 72? Acadiana's secret thermostat settings at night are so interesting! After taking a calculation of all the responses, the average temperature that most folks put their thermostat on is 72. Now, remember that's an average, so some folks really drop it down for the overnight hours.

WebMD even uses the title in their story "Heat Is the Enemy of Sleep". Several people not only shared with us what they put the thermostat on at night, but they also told us they couldn't sleep without their ceiling fans.

Some people love that thermostat turned down really low:

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The cooler the better for plenty of people who commented:

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Many dozens of people set their thermostats somewhere in the 70s. In fact, plenty of us are either on the lower end like 71 or 72, and then the other end with 76 or 78. Either way, we will likely all be paying more. Here is what some people wrote:

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Finally, here is a snapshot of some of the other comments:

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Thermostat Screenshot 6
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