Australian Batman Uses Street-Legal Batmobile to Bring Joy to Sick Kids
First there was Chibatman, the Batman impersonator who rides around Japan on a replica of the Batpod from 'The Dark Knight.' Now there's Australian Batman Zac Mihajlovic, who rides around in a customized Batmobile built to replicate the one from Tim Burton's 1989 'Batman' film -- but this isn't just any Batmobile replica or any Batman impersonator. This vehicle is perfectly street-legal, and this Batman uses his persona to spread cheer to sick kids. first picked up the story about Mihajlovic, the 29 year-old who lives in Camden, Australia. He built the Batmobile with his grandfather, using actual parts from the Batmobile featured in 1989 Tim Burton film, including a working afterburner. Mihajlovic has received many high-price offers to sell the working replica, including a six-figure offer from a sheikh in Dubai. As mentioned in the video, he's also gotten another rather peculiar offer from a couple who wanted to do something very unsavory in his vehicle. But like a real superhero, he only wants to use the Batmobile for good.
"It gives kids, sadly, their dying wish," says Mihajlovic, who has teamed up with the Make-a-Wish foundation to visit ailing children dressed as the Caped Crusader and give them the ride of their lives in the Batmobile. If only we had more heroes like Mihajlovic.
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