Donald Deane has held a variety of jobs, including college English teacher, newspaper reporter/editor, internet project manager, dishwasher and dogcatcher. He now writes exclusively and has contributed to AOL TV and Moviefone among others.
Americans Honor Victims on the 11th Anniversary of the 9/11 Terror Attacks [VIDEO]
In what's become a grim and somber ritual for Americans, citizens will gather Tuesday to mark the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, in which Islamic extremists killed nearly 3,000 people.
Thousands are expected to come together in New York City, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania to pay their respects.
Officials See No Credible Terror Threat on 9/11 Anniversary
On the 11th anniversary of September 11, 2001, intelligence officials say there is no "credible or specific" threat that terrorist organizations are planning an attack.
New Study Claims Men and Women Can’t Be Friends After All
It's the question famously posed in the classic rom-com 'When Harry Met Sally': Can men and women just be friends if they find each other attractive? A new study claims to have the answer: no.
Study Shows Most Workers Don’t Expect Any Holiday Bonus — Dollars and Sense
Listen up employers. According to a new study, most workers would be happy with virtually any amount as a holiday bonus, even a measly $25.
That's most likely because the majority don't expect to get anything at all.