
People Were Shocked When They Saw This Cajun Scene From ‘Southern Comfort’ In 1981 [Video]
People Were Shocked When They Saw This Cajun Scene From ‘Southern Comfort’ In 1981 [Video]
People Were Shocked When They Saw This Cajun Scene From ‘Southern Comfort’ In 1981 [Video]
Today I learned about about a movie called "Southern Comfort" from 1981 that is packed full of South Louisiana Cajun goodness. The movie seems to do a fantastic and fairly accurate job of portraying what the Cajun lifestyle is all about. That's actually what a lot of people were shocked by when the movie was released. It's was a little too real for some folks, or at least this one particular scene.
South Louisiana Family At The Center Of Gripping New HBO Documentary ‘Mommy Dead And Dearest’ [Video]
South Louisiana Family At The Center Of Gripping New HBO Documentary ‘Mommy Dead And Dearest’ [Video]
South Louisiana Family At The Center Of Gripping New HBO Documentary ‘Mommy Dead And Dearest’ [Video]
This week, the whole dang internet started it's obsession with "The Keepers". However, another documentary was released by HBO May 15th called "Mommy Dead and Dearest" that is deserving of the hype machine as well. This documentary will look and feel very familiar to those of us in South Louisiana, because it's all about the Blanchard family, and their seriously twisted and tragic story of Child Abuse, mental illness, and forbidden love.
Watch This And Then Decide If ‘The Keepers’ From Netflix Is For You [Video]
Watch This And Then Decide If ‘The Keepers’ From Netflix Is For You [Video]
Watch This And Then Decide If ‘The Keepers’ From Netflix Is For You [Video]
Almost everywhere you turn right now, in person or online, you're sure to see something about the Netflix documentary "The Keepers". So, what's all the fuss? It's a very, very heavy documentary that is downright uncomfortable at times. Before you dive head first into it, watch this trailer for "The Keepers" and decide if this is something for you.
Sylvester Stallone Reveals Something About The ‘Rocky’ Movies Most People Don’t Know, Until Now [Video]
Sylvester Stallone Reveals Something About The ‘Rocky’ Movies Most People Don’t Know, Until Now [Video]
Sylvester Stallone Reveals Something About The ‘Rocky’ Movies Most People Don’t Know, Until Now [Video]
We've all seen the "Rocky" movies more times than we can remember. Every time I watch them, I usually notice something in the movies I haven't before. However, as many times as I've seen these movies, I never knew the true story behind this one part of the story, until now.
5 Movie Theaters That Lafayette Used To Have
5 Movie Theaters That Lafayette Used To Have
5 Movie Theaters That Lafayette Used To Have
I remember a time when Lafayette had an abundance of movie theaters. There’s 5 right off the top of my head that I can remember going to as a little school child. Let’s get nostalgic, people! Here’s 5 movie theaters that Lafayette used to have, and the stories that go with them.

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