
Funny Texts From Dads for Father’s Day
Funny Texts From Dads for Father’s Day
Funny Texts From Dads for Father’s Day
Good ol' dad. You wouldn't exist if not for him. But that's not all that makes dads great. Let's not forget their penchant for terrible jokes. Combine that with technology, and you've got some text treasures on your hands. Here's just a smattering of ridiculous dad texts to honor dads for Father's Day.
12 Pairs of Animal Best Friends
12 Pairs of Animal Best Friends
12 Pairs of Animal Best Friends
We don't know what the weather's like where you are, but it is a chilly, grey, rainy Monday here, so we need this. In fact, even if it's totally gorgeous where you are, these pictures and GIFs of animal best buds is probably worth a look. First of all, they're really cute. Secondly, they'll probably cheer you up. Last, why wouldn't you want to see a seal cuddling a penguin?! Enjoy!
11 Painful Sunburns We Never Want to Experience
11 Painful Sunburns We Never Want to Experience
11 Painful Sunburns We Never Want to Experience
Recently we've been discussing the best things about summer, like Slip N' Slides and lemonade. OH yes. But with the good obviously comes the bad, and in this case, the really bad. Brace yourself folks, because we've scoped out some pretty awful sunburn fails we never want to experience. Oof.
14 Creative Yearbook Quotes
14 Creative Yearbook Quotes
14 Creative Yearbook Quotes
If you're a recent graduate, you might've thought for a moment or two about the legacy you've left behind. Pranks are always a good go-to in our books, but a safer, less offensive way to leave an impression on your school is through creative yearbook quotes.
The 12 Funniest Chickens on the Web
The 12 Funniest Chickens on the Web
The 12 Funniest Chickens on the Web
We’ve seen our fair share of entertaining animals. Horses and birds are among our favorites, but there’s a particular version of the latter that has gotten our attention of late. Ladies and gents, today we bring you the funniest chickens on the Web, because, well, it’s just hilarious stuff.
12 Cartoon Character Mugshots
12 Cartoon Character Mugshots
12 Cartoon Character Mugshots
Cartoon characters may seem zany and carefree, but, like us, they have deep, dark secrets. And you don’t always have to look too closely to see them. In fact, there are plenty of animated characters who’ve had brushes with the law. Here are some mug shots we were able to dig up...
16 Breathtaking Photos of Ladybugs
16 Breathtaking Photos of Ladybugs
16 Breathtaking Photos of Ladybugs
Continuing our unofficial "Stop Being Afraid of Insects" series, here are 16 pictures of ladybugs. Granted, most people aren't afraid of ladybugs, but they've probably never seen that video of a ladybug taking off in super-slow motion. Or had a house infested with them. They can be pretty disturbing when they're part of a throbbing ladybug mass. But not like this. This is adorable. Read

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