Comedian Conan O'Brien has hosted a late-night television show for 28 years. O'Brien started his late-nite stint back in 1993 with the incarnation of "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" which ended in 2009. After "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" the nighttime staple went on to host "The Tonight Show" for a short time then landed "Conan" in 2010. After 11 seasons of "Conan" O'Brien is saying goodbye to his TBS audience with an hour-long finale on June 24.

Conan will welcome back a live audience for the first time in over a year for his final show at The Largo at the Coronet Theater in Los Angeles. The show will air on TBS at 10 p.m. ET, an hour earlier than normal.

Leading up to Conan's final broadcast, the late-night legend will have a week of superstars on the show including Mila Kunis, Dana Carvey, JB Smoove, Patton Oswalt and his final guest will be actor and comedian Jack Black.

O'Brien says he will leave "Conan" after 1,400 plus episodes but he's not retiring. The comedian will grow his production company and podcast career. He also will be working on a project with HBO Max in the near future and will continue "Conan Without Border" on TBS. wrote,

O'Brien has a history far beyond Conan, of course; he's currently the longest-tenured late-night host on American TV.

Conan, 58, is known for his uniquely casual hosting style, sometimes awkward by his own admission. He's a guy who can make fun of himself and get a laugh from his audience many times at his own expense.

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