DCFS Opens Second State-Run Shelter To House Texas Flood Victims
The Department of Children and Family Services says they’ve decided to open a second mega-shelter in the state for Texas flood victims, this time in Shreveport. DCFS Secretary Marketa Garner Walters says they’re also taking care of nearly 2000 Lone Star State residents in Alexandria.
"We have a special play area for children. We have doctors on staff. We make pharmacy runs to get people prescriptions," said Walters.
Walters says they are nearing capacity in Alexandria so the doors are opening to the massive shelter in Shreveport which can take well over 2,000 people. She says there are several more shelters ready to go in north Louisiana that were designed open in the event New Orleans had to be evacuated again.
"And so these shelters don't open for just a regular disaster," said Walters. "They're called 'Critical Transportation Need Shelters.' So they're for people who have no transportation of their own."
Walters says it’s too early in the process to say how long these shelters will be open. She says they know that people always want to be as close to home as possible.
"We recognize that. We're going to hang on to them, and take care of them like they're our own until the Texas governor can come get them back in place," said Walters.