Some residents of the Highland neighborhood want to know why the City of Shreveport has installed large concrete traffic light poles on property near two historic buildings.

The cit is installing new traffic lights along Kings Highway from Hearne Avenue to Youree Drive. It was part of the 2011 bond issue passed by the voters. But local architect Chris Coe is urging residents of the area to speak up about these unsightly structures.

Coe says this "is both precedent-setting and harmful to the cityscape of Shreveport and one which will have negative effects long into the future." Other opponents say residents of Highland have to follow strict rules when making changes to historic properties and they want to know why the city does not have to follow the same guidelines.

These poles are located on the corners next to the Historic Byrd High School and the Kings Highway Christian Church. Both of these important buildings are very nearly 100 years old and both are on the National Register of Historic Buildings.

Coe says:

The City has already started construction of these large and obtrusive structures at this important intersection. In addition to the poles, the City plans to install a large traffic signal control panel in front of Byrd High School and an emergency generator in front of Kings Highway Christian Church, thereby inflicting even more visible damage.

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Coe says these traffic lights are wholly inappropriate at these historic locations.

Coe brought his concerns to the City Council, but so far, no change has been made to these structures.

Coe is hopeful the City Engineer will stop the project until the community can be engaged to develop a more appropriate solution.

Work could get back underway at this intersection this week.

Coe is urging residents to get in touch with the Mayor's office at 673-5050 to express concerns about this project.

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