Health Dept Warns Of Toxic Lead Levels At Indoor Shooting Ranges
The State Department of Health is warning those who frequent indoor shooting ranges about higher toxic exposure to lead.
There are at least 50 shooting ranges in Louisiana, a third of those are indoor. Dr. David Holcombe with Office of Public Health says as of now, there isn’t any regulations in place to control dangerous exposure levels.
"As a consumer I would make sure they have an adequate ventilation system. They're supposed to be doing wet mopping at the end of the day and they're supposed to be using vacuums with HEPA filters."
Over the past 40 years, the CDC says 36 studies show higher toxic lead levels among those who use gun ranges regularly. Dr. Holcombe says people can take proactive measures to make sure they reduce lead exposure from affecting them.
"You're not supposed to eat or drink if you're in a firing range. You're supposed to wash your hands, change your clothes. If you can, wash your clothes even before you come home."
Health effects from lead can permanently damage vital body organs and in children, damage the nervous system, slow growth, create learning and behavior problems. Dr. Holcombe says he saw a hunter with a terrible case of lead poisoning.
"I think the worse case of lead poisoning that we saw recently was a hunter who put the shot in his mouth. He had toxic levels of lead."
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