Lafayette Company Could File Suit Over Medical Marijuana Contract
Louisiana's first legal crop of marijuana for medical use hasn't even been harvested and there are already legal issues. Advanced Biomedics the Lafayette firm chosen by Southern University to produce marijuana for medical purposes is threatening legal action over the contract with the school.
Advance Biomedics says the contract was negotiated by a minority partner and has not been signed. The company is considering taking legal action over reported plans by Southern University to seek another producer if the contract is not signed by today. However, the company and Southern University are reportedly working with each other to resolve the issue without getting the courts involved.
Under the state's newly passed medical marijuana laws there will only be two producers in the state. One of those will be at LSU while the other will be at Southern University.
Dispensation of medical marijuana will be by doctor recommendation only and only in the form of topical oils or creams. The state has authorized nine pharmacies across the state to be the only dispensary locations for the drug.