Louisiana Strawberry Crops Are Bouncing Back
Louisiana strawberry crops are bouncing back nicely from the freezing cold of January and February. After some setbacks brought on by long spells of cold weather, Louisiana's strawberry crop is coming back fast. LSU AgCenter berry specialist Dr. Regina Bracy says berry plants are responding well to recent warmer Spring temperatures. Bracy says the warmer weather has strawberries quickly ripening, and she says they should be available in good supply within about two weeks. (Strawberries are an $18-million annual business for Louisiana farmers.) The recent spells of freezing weather put a delay in this year's berry crop. Bracy says farmers took precautions to shelter plants from the frost, and so the freezes were merely a little setback. (Bracy says within a month, there should be plenty of big & delicious Louisiana strawberries available everywhere.)