State Collects $2.2 Million Off Insurance Fines
Maybe I am naive but I think most people don't like to be in debt. I really do believe that most people do not mind paying what they owe. I also believe it is hard to pay a debt that you aren't aware of. I am sure that is why there was such an outrage when the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles sent out 1.2 million letters notifying citizens that they could been in arrears to the state because of a lapse in insurance coverage.
While those letters went out a couple of weeks ago, October 13th, the state is already seeing a return on their investment. State Police Col. Mike Edmonson told the Louisiana Radio Network that his agency has taken action on about 30-thousand of those notices.
Of those about 20,000 actually required a fine. And on 9,000 we were able to clear them without a fee.
Edmonson said the OMV was averaging about 15-hundred calls per day since the notices were mailed. The volume of calls has died down since the initial mailing. While some have criticized this action as a money grab, Edmonson says it's just a matter his office fulfilling their obligation to the state. He says not everyone who receives a notice actually owes a fine, but until the matter is cleared up the issue could remain a part of someone's financial record.
The database that was used to send out the notices of lapsed coverage and possible fines was generated by reports received from insurance companies that do business in the state.
They've reported to us that that's the information on those records and that's all we have to go by. That's why I've been trying to tell the public..if there's something wrong with this. Call us.
If you have a question concerning a notice that you've received from the Office of Motor Vehicles call this number (225) 925-6146.
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