State Police: Governor’s Proclamations & Declarations Have Power of Law
In their frustration with Governor John Bel Edwards' Public Health Emergency Proclamation issued yesterday, many people are wondering just how effective is his order setting restrictions on gatherings of 50 or more people and businesses.
Well, according to Louisiana State Police and Louisiana State Law (RS 29:724), Governor Edwards' words should be taken very seriously.
"Louisiana State Law (RS 29:724) gives the Governor authority to set restrictions on gatherings and businesses in the interest of public safety and to prevent spread of COVID-19," says a press release from Louisiana State Police. "These proclamations and declarations have the power of law. As such, local, parish, and state law enforcement agencies as well as other state authorities including ATC and the State Fire Marshal, will be acting to enforce these rules set by the Governor. Violations of gathering capacity and business hour restrictions may result in revocation of licenses and/or citations for violating the executive order under La. R.S. 29:724(E), Disturbing the Peace, or other appropriate violations of law."