barack obama

Afghanistan – Should We Stay or Go?
Afghanistan – Should We Stay or Go?
Afghanistan – Should We Stay or Go?
When he campaigned for the job he has now, Barack Obama said that Afghanistan was a war that we needed to win.  Now, we see the recent alleged gunning down of Afghan civilians by a member of the U. S. Military which has spawned Afghan President Hamid Karzai saying that foreign troops should stay on their bases and believes that the US is not cooperating with the probe into the incident... Read Mor
Obama’s Face on the Flag
Obama’s Face on the Flag
Obama’s Face on the Flag
A flag has appeared in Lake County, Florida that has people raising their eyebrows.  It's an American flag that has President Obama's face on it.  It was flying over the Democratic headquarters there until veterans in that area lodged a complaint...
Obama Not Raising Taxes?  Think Again!
Obama Not Raising Taxes? Think Again!
Obama Not Raising Taxes? Think Again!
The Obama Budget has been called a road map to the future.  However, The Heritage Foundation has looked into it and it doesn't look as rosy as you might think.  They say that there are $1.689 Trillion in new taxes.  That amounts to $128 Billion more than what was stated by the Office of Management and Budget...
Gas Prices : Who is to Blame?
Gas Prices : Who is to Blame?
Gas Prices : Who is to Blame?
We're all seeing reports of gas prices going up, including one where Diane Sawyer of ABC News is amazed that the price heads up while a reporter is on the scene at a station in L.A. Will the President have trouble as a result of the price of gas and who is to blame for the high prices...
Obama – Wake Up – Rome Is Burning
Obama – Wake Up – Rome Is Burning
Obama – Wake Up – Rome Is Burning
How many vacations does Michelle Obama take while so many have to worry about their next paycheck? Is the President fiddlng while Rome burns? What's with the party with B.B. King and Mick Jagger? Singing a couple of bars of an Al Green song a few weeks back was "cute" but who paid for this "Red, White and Blues" shindig at the White House?
Budget Cuts Would Eliminate Navy Squadron in Belle Chasse
Budget Cuts Would Eliminate Navy Squadron in Belle Chasse
Budget Cuts Would Eliminate Navy Squadron in Belle Chasse
The Navy has proposed decommissioning a squadron at the air station in Belle Chasse as part of its plans to meet President Barack Obama's budget cut orders. The Belle Chase Squadron is the only naval aviation unit dedicated to fighting drug smugglers.
Congressman Landry Questions Obama’s Budget
Congressman Landry Questions Obama’s Budget
Congressman Landry Questions Obama’s Budget
ongressman Jeff Landry joined us on "Mornings With Ken & Bernie" today as the President is rolling out his new budget. Landry questions why we continue to cut defense spending while other powers keep increasing military spending.
The Obama Contraceptive Non-Solution Solution
The Obama Contraceptive Non-Solution Solution
The Obama Contraceptive Non-Solution Solution
The Obama Administration has announced that they have come up with a solution to the contraceptive requirements that they put out as part of the healthcare law.  But is it actually a solution?  Pro life leaders are saying it isn't.  They say it's the same policy worded differently...
Religious Organizations Being Forced to Go Against Beliefs?
Religious Organizations Being Forced to Go Against Beliefs?
Religious Organizations Being Forced to Go Against Beliefs?
The Obama Administration recently approved new regulations that would require religious organizations to include birth control as a part of their benefits to employees.  Catholic leaders are criticizing the President, saying that he went against a promise he made in a speech at Notre Dame in 2009...
Obama Says Jesus is for Higher Taxes
Obama Says Jesus is for Higher Taxes
Obama Says Jesus is for Higher Taxes
President Obama spoke before the Prayer Breakfast the other day and said that he felt that the teachings of Jesus as well as Jewish and Muslim beliefs backed him up.  But, Senator Orrin Hatch and Rick Santorum both had something to say about that...
European Writer Says Obama is Steering America Toward Socialism
European Writer Says Obama is Steering America Toward Socialism
European Writer Says Obama is Steering America Toward Socialism
It has been thrown around for years that Barack Obama has been steering America toward Socialism.  Now, a writer for The Telegraph, a British newspaper, is saying that this is exactly what Obama wants to do. Janet Daley is the author and she makes some interesting parallels between America now and where Britain and all of Europe was just 10 years ago...
Is Obama the Food Stamp President?
Is Obama the Food Stamp President?
Is Obama the Food Stamp President?
Newt Gingrich has been calling President Obama a food stamp President.  But is he?  An article from Investors Business Daily makes the case for it.  Still, in an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer, he claims that George W. Bush was the food stamp President, not him...
State of the Union Reaction
State of the Union Reaction
State of the Union Reaction
The President delivered his State of the Union Address and the reaction has been mixed.  Some have called it a wish list.  Some have said that it sounds pretty familiar.   What do you think?  Is this a speech full of good ideas or something straight out of the campaign HQ?...

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