barack obama

Congressman Boustany Thinks President In Campaign Mode
Congressman Boustany Thinks President In Campaign Mode
Congressman Boustany Thinks President In Campaign Mode
Instead of attempting to run the country, Congressman Charles Boustany feels the President has gone into full-time campaign mode. Today on "Mornings With Ken & Bernie" Boustany pointed out that the President continues to stress "fairness" for everyone instead of attempting to do what's best for the entire country.
Obama Rides Romney for the Same Thing His Administration Has
Obama Rides Romney for the Same Thing His Administration Has
Obama Rides Romney for the Same Thing His Administration Has
Mitt Romney has taken a lot of heat from his fellow Republicans over his record and time at Bain Capital.  Now President Obama has climbed on top to pound some more.  The interesting thing is that the President is taking the angle that being an investor is not the right experience to serve in government...
Congressman Landry Bashes Obama For Recess Appointment
Congressman Landry Bashes Obama For Recess Appointment
Congressman Landry Bashes Obama For Recess Appointment
Today on "Mornings With Ken & Bernie" 3rd District Congressman Jeff Landry blasted President Obama for his recess appointment to the National Labor Relations Board. Landry like others in Congress argue the Senate was not actually in recess therefore the appointment is illegal.
Obama’s Military Plan…Good, Bad or Ugly?
Obama’s Military Plan…Good, Bad or Ugly?
Obama’s Military Plan…Good, Bad or Ugly?
The President has not been known as a budget cutter, but that is something that he wants to change with his strategy for the military.  It makes cuts to defense that would make a big difference in how we wage war.  Under the plan, we would no longer be able to wage two simultaneous wars...
Oakdale Prisoner Convicted Of Threatening President Obama
Oakdale Prisoner Convicted Of Threatening President Obama
Oakdale Prisoner Convicted Of Threatening President Obama
A Louisiana prisoner admits to making threats against President Obama and his immediate family. U.S. Attorney Stephanie Finley says Carlton Norah was serving his term at the Oakdale Correctional Complex when he tried to mail a letter he had written, containing a threat to kill or harm President Obama.
Did The President Violate The Constitution?
Did The President Violate The Constitution?
Did The President Violate The Constitution?
Recent news reports have President Barack Obama making a recess appointment when many are saying that Congress was not in recess.  Indeed, the Senate held a session one day before he decided to appoint Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau...
Best President?  Obama Thinks So…
Best President? Obama Thinks So…
Best President? Obama Thinks So…
According to a recent interview with CBS' 60 Minutes, President Obama had a shocking claim about his time in the White House.  He says that he thinks he is one of the best Presidents that we have had, based on his comments about his accomplishments...
Obama Says More Jobs in Joblessness
Obama Says More Jobs in Joblessness
Obama Says More Jobs in Joblessness
The Obama Administration has created a moment for political ads for the opposition.  He recently blocked the Keystone pipeline that would have created jobs in this nation and now he has come out and said that extending jobless benefits create more jobs that that pipeline would have...
President Says Foreign Aid To Be Qualified By National Gay Rights
President Says Foreign Aid To Be Qualified By National Gay Rights
President Says Foreign Aid To Be Qualified By National Gay Rights
Yesterday in a speech in Geneva, Switzerland Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that American foreign aid should be doled out to countries that support the rights of lesbians, gays and transgenders. Her statement on “Human Rights Day” was based on a memorandum from President Obama to heads of executive departments and agencies.
Has Obama Actually Cut Taxes?  Afternoon
Has Obama Actually Cut Taxes? Afternoon
Has Obama Actually Cut Taxes? Afternoon
President Barack Obama is claiming to be the tax-cutter in the race for the White House.  He says that he has cut taxes by $1,000 for everyone.  Is this true and does he get to lay claim to this title in the shadow of wanting to raise taxes...
Obama Signs With The Autopen
Obama Signs With The Autopen
Obama Signs With The Autopen
The Washington Times is now reporting that the President has once again used the auto-pen to sign a bill into law. The auto-pen is a device that the White House has used for years to send out signed pictures of the President.  It keeps the President from getting writers cramp from all of the requests that have come in...

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