Today marks the 4 year anniversary of the Assumption Parish sinkhole in Bayou Corne, and leaders say many residents have moved on -- but there are some who don't want to let go.
While the sink hole has stabilized considerably officials continue to monitor the area for subtle changes that could signify a more dramatic change in conditions around the affected area.
The program will report on why and where sinkholes occur around the world, and whether their numbers are increasing and whether anything can be done to prevent or lessen them.
BAYOU CORNE (AP) — Texas Brine Co. says it's repairing and raising a sunken section of levee along the southern side of a sinkhole in Ascension Parish, and will build another levee behind it.
Records show that Texas Brine Co. has developed a backup plan to replace the cracked southern section of a protective levee surrounding the sinkhole in northern Assumption Parish and may look to reroute Bayou Corne if conditions deteriorate further.
A dramatic video showing a group of cypress trees literally being swallowed by the Assumption Parish Sinkhole is just the latest incident at the watery hole that is now close to 25 acres in size near Bayou Corne. Parish officials say that the collapse, or "slough in," happened around 5:30pm followed a periodic series of underground tremors and "burps" of gas and debris earlier
On this day a year ago, several residents of Bayou Corne about 40 miles south of Baton Rouge began watching their homes being swallowed as the earth gave way when a salt dome cavern collapsed under them. Since then, the affected area has grown to 24 acres, and 350 residents are still evacuated...
“We are making progress on the sinkhole clean-up and contingency plan, and moving forward quickly to take all steps necessary to protect the lives and property in this community," Jindal said.