Dictionary.com Adds 650 New Words Including Jabroni & DGAFDictionary.com Adds 650 New Words Including Jabroni & DGAFThe site has also redefined 2,100 words and added a bunch of new pronunciationsPuffPuff
Butt or Buck – Which One is the Right Naked?Butt or Buck – Which One is the Right Naked?I think we are all pretty confident about the naked part, it's the other part that confuses the issue. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Etiquette: Minimize Your Use Of The Word ‘Toilet’ [OPINION]Etiquette: Minimize Your Use Of The Word ‘Toilet’ [OPINION]Am I being petty? Probably. But there are more polite ways to ask.JayCeeJayCee
Pet Peeve Words/PhrasesPet Peeve Words/PhrasesEither they use them incorrectly (irregardless) or use them too much (I know, right?), or mispronounce them.JayCeeJayCee