
EMERGENCY: Louisiana Prepares For Major Red River Flooding
EMERGENCY: Louisiana Prepares For Major Red River Flooding
EMERGENCY: Louisiana Prepares For Major Red River Flooding
Multiple state agencies are working diligently this weekend to ramp up the state's flood response efforts in preparation for incoming flood waters from the Red River. In a statement outlining the state's emergency preparedness efforts from the governor's office, Bobby Jindal lists the following state agencies that have been preparing for the Red River's floodwaters that are expected to be the high
Amphibious Motorcycle Is Like A Jet Ski On Wheels
Amphibious Motorcycle Is Like A Jet Ski On Wheels
Amphibious Motorcycle Is Like A Jet Ski On Wheels
Let's say you live in a flood zone, near the beach or next to a rising river. Water can sometimes be a problem — and not just because you have to pee. Well, not if you have this vehicle: While it's not exactly a crotch-rocket or a Harley, the amphibious Honda motorcycle featured in the video above functions about as well as any vehicle with wheels could in a few feet of water...
2011 Floods Still Impacting Concordia Parish
VIDALIA, La. (AP) — The Concordia Economic and Industrial Development District is still feeling the effects of last year's Mississippi River flood. The Natchez Democrat reports that the district board figures for the year that ended June 13 show revenues from hotel taxes totaled $71,000 — a decrease from the $90,000 it collected the previous fiscal year...

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