Louisiana Dead Last on New 'Happiest States in America' ListLouisiana Dead Last on New 'Happiest States in America' ListAccording to a new survey, Louisiana ranks dead last on the list of "Most Happiest States In America", and here's why...Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
You Can Make One Thing 5% Bigger—Lafayette RespondsYou Can Make One Thing 5% Bigger—Lafayette RespondsThe most popular answer may not be what you think.CJCJ
New Study Pinpoints the One Thing That Makes Relationships LastNew Study Pinpoints the One Thing That Makes Relationships LastThese white-lab-coated Casanovas have found the most important factor for keeping your relationship strong and happy.Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Experts Say Boost Your Mood By Decorating for Christmas NowExperts Say Boost Your Mood By Decorating for Christmas NowIt's the year that we really need a jolt of happiness.Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
Study Finds 40% Of Adults Regret Life ChoicesStudy Finds 40% Of Adults Regret Life ChoicesAccording to the survey lack of traveling and not taking care of their health made the top of the list of regrets. Let's just blame it all on COVID-19.Krystal MontezKrystal Montez
Study Says Small Talk With a Stranger Will Make You HappierStudy Says Small Talk With a Stranger Will Make You HappierBetter start a mental list of easy topics to talk about.JessJess
Facebook Can Actually Make You Happier According to StudyFacebook Can Actually Make You Happier According to StudyThis new research seems to contradict what we've seen previously reported.JessJess
Someone Else’s Happiness Will Not Fit on You [OPINION]Someone Else’s Happiness Will Not Fit on You [OPINION]Allow me to get on my soapbox for just a moment because I think someone needs to hear this.JessJess