Filing Your Taxes at the Last Minute? Here Are Five Things You Need to Know
Filing Your Taxes at the Last Minute? Here Are Five Things You Need to Know
Filing Your Taxes at the Last Minute? Here Are Five Things You Need to Know
Remember the kids who always sat in the front of the classroom, the ones who reminded the teacher when she forgot to hand out homework? Those kids grew up into adults who get their oil changed every 3,000 miles, visit the dentist every six months like clockwork and file their taxes as soon as they can. Then there were the back of the class kids. They’re now the reasons dentists send those “we’ve m
IRS Issuing Warnings Potential Victims To Schemes
IRS Issuing Warnings Potential Victims To Schemes
IRS Issuing Warnings Potential Victims To Schemes
The IRS issued a report claiming that tax schemes are running rampant across the US, including Louisiana. They say that the scheme may consist of an individual trying to persuade them to file false claims for tax credits or rebates. “Most paid tax return preparers provide honest and professional service, but there are some who engage in fraud and other illegal activities,” said IRS Spokesman, Dee