jeff landry

Vitter: Offshore Drilling Can Help Nation’s Fiscal Problem
Vitter: Offshore Drilling Can Help Nation’s Fiscal Problem
Vitter: Offshore Drilling Can Help Nation’s Fiscal Problem
(Washington, D.C.) — U.S. Sen. David Vitter and U.S. Rep. Jeff Landry (LA-3) this week sent a letter to Office of Management and Budget Director Jacob Lew, asking for the administration’s projections for revenues from offshore energy production as well as their projections of revenue from renewable energy.
Landry Gets Committee Appointments
Landry Gets Committee Appointments
Landry Gets Committee Appointments
Congressman-elect Jeff Landry, of the Third Congressional District, spoke with Bernadette Lee on The Morning Report about his committee assignments after he takes the oath of office.  Landry has been appointed to Transportation & Infrastructure along with Natural Resources.