
5 Industries That Will Definitely Be Hiring in 2013
5 Industries That Will Definitely Be Hiring in 2013
5 Industries That Will Definitely Be Hiring in 2013
If you’ve made it your goal to get a new job in 2013, your best bet is to see if the skills you have can be utilized in the industries that are predicted to hire the most this year. Keep in mind that even if your education or previous job wasn’t in a particular field, that doesn’t mean there aren’t jobs related to that field to which you could apply your experience and skill set. A growing industr
10 High Adrenaline Jobs Looking For Recruits
10 High Adrenaline Jobs Looking For Recruits
10 High Adrenaline Jobs Looking For Recruits
There are a lot of wild jobs out there for the adventurous set. Sure, you could aspire to the lofty position of astronaut or Air Force Raptor pilot, but there aren’t many slots open in those exclusive fields. Down here on earth, or at least closer to the ground, you can find some pretty crazy jobs that offer up a steady stream of action, as well as heaps of potential adrenaline rushes...
Honest Cover Letter Charms Wall Street
Honest Cover Letter Charms Wall Street
Honest Cover Letter Charms Wall Street
Summer internships on Wall Street can be difficult to snag, especially if you aren't related to one of the firm's senior executives. But as an unnamed college student has proved, the really honest approach to job seeking can also work. His cover letter, in which he admits he has "no unbelievably special skills or genius eccentricities" and says he "no qualms about fetching coffee, s
5 Creative Ways to Employ Yourself While You’re Unemployed
5 Creative Ways to Employ Yourself While You’re Unemployed
5 Creative Ways to Employ Yourself While You’re Unemployed
If you’ve recently lost your job, or finally finished your hard-earned degree but have yet to receive that first sweet offer of employment, keep this in mind: Don’t panic. The good—and sort of bad—news is that you’re not alone. The better news is that your situation is not permanent.
6 Professions That Deserve Reality Shows
6 Professions That Deserve Reality Shows
6 Professions That Deserve Reality Shows
Reality TV has seemingly invaded all corners of our vocational universe, offering shows based on a slew of jobs from funeral home director to meter maid to car dealer and just about everything in between. But there are still a wide variety of occupations missing.
Two Million Americans Could Lose Unemployment Benefits — Dollars and Sense
Two Million Americans Could Lose Unemployment Benefits — Dollars and Sense
Two Million Americans Could Lose Unemployment Benefits — Dollars and Sense
Federal unemployment benefits are set to run out this holiday season for over 2 million Americans out there still looking for work. Their only chance for survival is if Congress decides to extend the deadline for them to file for an extension for those benefits. However, with amendments to the program made already earlier this year, the outcome appears very bleak.
Are Federal Prisoners Taking Jobs From Law-Abiding Citizens?
Are Federal Prisoners Taking Jobs From Law-Abiding Citizens?
Are Federal Prisoners Taking Jobs From Law-Abiding Citizens?
There are currently thousands of inmates employed, at extremely low wages, in federal prisons all across the country manufacturing a myriad of products to be sold strictly to government agencies. Yet, while some argue that paying convicted felons to work in these factories is a good way of teaching them skills that can be used in civil society, others say that it takes jobs away from upstanding ci
What Are the Deadliest Jobs in America?
What Are the Deadliest Jobs in America?
What Are the Deadliest Jobs in America?
For the majority of us, paper cuts, caffeine jitters and the occasional post-lunch stomach trauma comprise the extent of our work-related hazards—none particularly serious and certainly not life-threatening. But every day some Americans go to work and literally risk their lives for a paycheck.
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
It has been predicted that by 2020, the United States will experience a nearly 14.5 percent labor increase, making room for an additional 20 million new jobs as the result of this country’s growing population and competitive marketplace.
Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
President Obama has changed positions on a very important issue to workers across the nation.  In 2007, when then Senator Obama was campaigning for President, he urged those that were expecting cuts to let their workers know that they might lose their job...

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