What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2020 Amendment 2What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2020 Amendment 2The presence of oil and gas could be used to help determine the taxes of property if this one passes. Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2020 Amendment 3What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2020 Amendment 3The Amendment deals with access to the State of Louisiana's Rainy Day Fund. Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2020 Amendment 4What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2020 Amendment 4Voting on this measure will impact the state legislature's "expenditure limit formula"Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2020 Amendment 1What’s On Your Louisiana Ballot: 2020 Amendment 1The first amendment on the ballot is supported by both the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops and Governor John Bel Edwards, among others.Greg AtomsGreg Atoms