
Is Not Getting Your Coin Change A Thing Now At Restaurants?
Is Not Getting Your Coin Change A Thing Now At Restaurants?
Is Not Getting Your Coin Change A Thing Now At Restaurants?
While I was on vacation, it happened more than once; is it a new trend among servers and wait staff at restaurants to not give you any coin change? Here is the receipt from a alcohol-fueled evening I recently spent in Pittsburgh. I don't want to call out the specific restaurants (it happened at more than one), I just want to ask if you have experienced the same thing...
Most Of Us Are Wasting Money & Don’t Realize It!
Most Of Us Are Wasting Money & Don’t Realize It!
Most Of Us Are Wasting Money & Don’t Realize It!
American's are the hardest working people in the industrialized world, yet it seems like we don't have much to show for it. We retire later, and work longer hours than most. We also take fewer vacations, yet nearly 3/4 of us are living paycheck to paycheck. Why is that?...

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