NFL 2012 Season — Week Seven Preview
NFL 2012 Season — Week Seven Preview
NFL 2012 Season — Week Seven Preview
Week 7 of the 2012 NFL season features a meeting between the teams with the two best records in the AFC (the only two above-.500 teams, in fact), plus numerous divisional battles. Here's a preview this week's action:
NFL Week 6 Fantasy Football Preview
NFL Week 6 Fantasy Football Preview
NFL Week 6 Fantasy Football Preview
We're approaching Week 6 of the 2012 fantasy football season, and unless your team is protected by some sort of magical force field, you're probably dealing with a few key injuries. No fantasy owner would think less of you for shedding some tears over the state of Cedric Benson's foot or Aaron Hernandez's ankle. Still, don't spend too much time in the fetal position—even the most competitive leagu
NFL And Referees Reach Deal To End Lockout, Replacements Done
NFL And Referees Reach Deal To End Lockout, Replacements Done
NFL And Referees Reach Deal To End Lockout, Replacements Done
Hallelujah football fans! The NFL and the locked-out officials have reached an agreement to end the lockout, and return the Ed Hochuli's of the world back to the football field. After 48 hours of non-stop negotiations, the two sides finally came to a concurrence. Bye, bye replacement officials. It was anything but fun. The tentative deal includes...
Locked Out Referees And NFL Are Close To New Deal
Locked Out Referees And NFL Are Close To New Deal
Locked Out Referees And NFL Are Close To New Deal
Despite the owners posture of "no more compromise," ESPN's Chris Mortensen is reporting that serious progress has been made between the NFL owners and locked-out officials. How much progress? The possibility of locked-out referees returning this week is not out the realm of possibility.
The 5 Worst Officiating Mistakes of the 2012 NFL Season (So Far)
The 5 Worst Officiating Mistakes of the 2012 NFL Season (So Far)
The 5 Worst Officiating Mistakes of the 2012 NFL Season (So Far)
As you may have heard, hobos and miscreants are in charge of refereeing NFL games now! Or, rather, the NFL has decided to use high school referees as replacements while it negotiates with the actual referees' union, which has led to the occasional minor controversy. And while Monday's night's disastrous ending to the Packers-Seahawks game is probably the pinnacle (or nadir) of this sad saga, there

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