
Would You Agree That Cats Should Not Be Pets?
Would You Agree That Cats Should Not Be Pets?
Would You Agree That Cats Should Not Be Pets?
The story comes out of New Zealand, where an environmental advocate says that cats are bad for the local bird population.  The advocate said that people should make the commitment that the cat they have now will be their last. In a statement on the website of Gareth Morgan, he says that he is not suggesting that people euthanize their cats, though the site goes on to add "that is an option...
Amber Alerts Great…Pet Amber Alerts? Not! [Opinion]
Amber Alerts Great…Pet Amber Alerts? Not! [Opinion]
Amber Alerts Great…Pet Amber Alerts? Not! [Opinion]
I think the Amber Alert is a great tool for law enforcement but that tool should not be prostituted to make money for a company. In addition to the money involved the aggravation of the "robo-calls" makes this pet Amber alert incredibly repugnant.