
Lafayette City-Parish Council Votes To Defer Red Light Amnesty Ordinance
Lafayette City-Parish Council Votes To Defer Red Light Amnesty Ordinance
Lafayette City-Parish Council Votes To Defer Red Light Amnesty Ordinance
While council members could have voted on the ordinance tonight, they chose to defer on a decision pending the outcome of a proposed amendment to the RedFlex contract which would ask the red light program company to pay for 40 percent of collections fees in exchange for 40 percent of base fines and late fees.
Red Light Cameras Stay – Here Comes The Controversy
Red Light Cameras Stay – Here Comes The Controversy
Red Light Cameras Stay – Here Comes The Controversy
The Council voted and decided that the cameras are going to stay.  The vote to get rid of them was 6-3 against.  But then, something else happened that is sure to raise more than a few eyebrows. The City-Parish Council voted to continue the contract and add four more intersections to the mix, making the count go up to 16...