This is not my opinion on the Presidency but an observation on Rick Perry’s health. I can attest that as we age we don’t handle stress as well as we once did.
As Texas Governor Rick Perry goes back home to reassess his presidential campaign, how does this make Governor Jindal look after endorsing and campaigning for him?
Rick Perry had a moment to be forgotten in the debate earlier this week between Republican Candidates for President on CNBC. Now, he is making the rounds of various media outlets saying that he "stepped in it." That was even more evident as he made an appearance on David Letterman to give the top ten reasons why he messed up. C
Texas Governor and GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Perry has put out details of his flat tax plan. He is calling it the 20-20 Optional flat tax economic plan. In it, Social Security and capital gains taxes would be eliminated but would keep several deductions that are on the popular side, including mortgage interest and charitable giving...
The Republicans debated in Las Vegas last night and we break down the winners and losers. Was Rick Perry on the rebound or down and out? Was Mitt Romney the winner or too combative for you? What about Herman Cain's defense of 9-9-9...
Rick Perry took part in the Republican Debate last night and looked less than great. That makes for three straight debates where people are seeing someone that looked so ironclad have problems with his fellow Republicans. Does this have an impact on how you see the race or do the debates matter very much...
Louisiana is getting some presidential candidate visitors today and tomorrow. Ron Paul will be giving a speech at LSU. He will also be opening up a campaign office in Baton Rouge. Texas governor Rick Perry is holding a fund raiser in Shreveport tomorrow...
Expect jobs, specifically those in Texas, to come up at the debate tonight among Republican candidates for President. A study came out saying that 81% of new jobs in the state of Texas went to immigrants. Further into the study, it said that roughly 40% of the jobs went to illegals...
Some interesting numbers from Gallup on the Presidential race. While Mitt Romney has come in second for the last month or so in the GOP race, these numbers bode well for the former Massachusetts Governor. According to the poll, more registered voters say they will or they might vote for Governor Romney than they would for President Obama or Texas Governor Rick Perry...
Rick Perry and Mitt Romney square off for the GOP nod, but who is the best choice for the Republican Party? Is it one of them or is someone else the better choice?
Let's talk about it...
In a recent interview with Fox News, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talked about Rick Perry's record in the state of Texas. When he was asked whether or not he would like to have a job in a Republican administration, Rick Perry's or otherwise, he said he was not interested in being a part of that and that he was more interested in jobs coming to Americans, and those right here in Louisiana...
Governor Bobby Jindal has decided on a presidential candidate to endorse and it is Texas governor Rick Perry. Jindal says that Perry's record on jobs can't be beat. LSU political science professor Robert Hogan says that they have always gotten on well and that this is a sensible move...
Several things are afoot in the realm of Presidential politics.
First, Governor Bobby Jindal has endorsed Texas Governor Rick Perry. This is not a big surprise. What is a surprise is that former candidate and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has made the surprise endorsement of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney...