The national average of total roadway that is below acceptable standards (crappy and potholey) is 3%. While Louisiana is clocking a smooth 7%, it still isn't the worst.
If you put certain words in a certain order you can use the first letter of each word to come up with other words. That's nice but it still won't fix our roads.
It's a slippery slope. If we approve a gas tax it's never coming back down. If we don't approve a gas tax our roads and bridges could continue to fall apart. Which one do you choose?
A higher gas tax or toll roads and bridges could be revenue raising measures the state could take to on a $13 billion backlog of road and bridge improvements.
A state government task force is expected to recommend that you and I pay more for fuel so that you and I can drive on better roads. Good idea or not so good idea?
If you think slamming your car into that same pot hole everyday on your drive to work is tearing your vehicle apart and costing you money, you're right.