Two Republican candidates looking to defeat Democrat office holders in the Dec. 6th runoff are teaming up with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and two other well-known Louisiana conservatives for a campaign rally on Saturday.
Sarah Palin is once again endorsing a Louisiana candidate who's never held a political office that wants "to fight the liberal political establishment."
Sarah Palin told everyone in South Carolina what she would do if she was in their shoes. She said that she would vote for Newt Gingrich. Now for some, they will see this as an endorsement, but for Governor Palin, it isn't.
Her reasoning is that she wants the process to go on and said that we need to have the candidate for President go through a vetting process that is more stringent than it was
Newt Gingrich may have the inside track for Sarah Palin's endorsement for the Presidency. That's according to some unnamed advisers of the former Alaska Governor, who say that Former Speaker Gingrich and Mrs. Palin have been very complimentary toward one another...
According to The Mark Levin Radio Show, Sarah Palin will not seek the Presidency in 2012.
Fox News Radio has her full statement.
What do you think? Good? Bad?
Sarah Palin has recently drawn to within 5 points of President Obama in a recent poll. In addition, in an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity, she said that the 2012 election will be unconventional.
Is this a sign that the former Alaska Governor is leaning toward a run for the White House...
On today's "Mornings With Ken & Bernie", Fox Newsradio's Todd Starnes joined the program to give an update on Sarah Palin's "One Nation" bus tour. Starnes says the fact that their is no written itinerary is upsetting some reporters.
It's the final day for candidates from both parties to win over voters before tomorrow's critical midterm elections. Former Alaska Governor and Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin told Fox News that "a political earthquake" is coming for Democrats.