The Water In Some Parts Of Acadiana Just Won’t Go Down
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development says these roads and areas still have closures/high water:
Acadia Parish
La. 91 (Estherwood Hwy) Pontoon Bridge @ Esterwood
La. 100 (Shelly/Old Evangeline Hwy) from La. 97 to La. 91
La. 92 (Mermentau Cove Rd.) at La. 1119
La. 97 (Evangeline Rd.) from La. 100 to Jefferson Davis Parish Line
Evangeline Parish
La. 374 (L’Anse Meg Rd.), 0.7 miles east of LA 13 (Closure due to collapsed pipe)
Iberia Parish:
High Water:
LA 997 (Bayou Pigeon Rd.) from Iberia/Lower St. Martin Parish Line to Iberia/Iberville Parish Line.
St. Landry Parish
La. 361 between U.S. 71 and La. 107 (Big Cane)
Vermilion Parish
La. 713 (W. Pure Oil Rd.) from Bill Searle Rd. to Parish Road (P-8-68)
High Water:
La. 717 from Lake Road to Harry Road
La. 91 from La. 3143 South to End of State Route
La. 3143 from La. 91 to La. 711
La. 712 from Maree Michel Rd. to Tom Road
La. 332 from Scanlan Rd. to Potier Road
La. 717 @ Vermilion/Cameron Parish Line between Lake Side Road and Cory Road