Video has gone viral on social media after one woman stepped in the path of a bat-wielding piñata killer. While the woman had already knocked down the prize-filled-pinata, an older woman stepped in while apparently forgetting how blindfolds work.


Piñatas at parties are a staple of a good time. Usually, it is children who are handed the bat and tasked with breaking open the piñata for all of the candy to come out.

But, this party featured adults swinging as hard as they could at a piñata while blindfolded.


After a strong swing, one woman holding a bat had knocked the piñata to the ground.

But what an older woman forgot was how blindfolds worked, as she stepped into the line of fire.

Twitter via @brownbaddieSB
Twitter via @brownbaddieSB

Woman Gets Bashed in the Head by Bat During Piñata Festivities

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