Voter Registration Week Kicks Off Today
The state kicks off voter registration week today, ahead of a hotly contested midterm season nationally, that may not yield many surprises in the Bayou State. Statewide, the election will give voters a chance to decide on congressional races and the special election for the Secretary of State’s office.
“28 to 30 percent, that’s a shame that that’s a decent turnout, but these days the last time we looked at a midterm, that was about the turnout the last time.”
And that low turnout won’t be the result of low registration numbers either. Ardoin says Louisiana has one of the highest voter registration percentages in the nation.
“We have about 86 percent of all eligibles registered to vote in the state of Louisiana. We’re in the top five, and I think we’re actually number three.
November will bring more than just statewide elections. The ballots will be littered with local issues and a selection of constitutional amendments, like unanimous juries, that could lead to notable changes in Louisiana law. Ardoin says even if national and statewide issues don’t excite you, you should still show up.
“Mayoral races, school board races, local tax propositions, things like that.”
The deadline to register for November in person or by mail is October 9th, and the deadline to register online, with a valid ID, is October 16th.