mississippi flooding

River Floods Rice-Wheat Safe
Marty Frey harvested 600 acres of wheat from the Morganza Spillway before it was opened, but his rice there had just been planted. He alternates rice and crawfish, and had planned to add 650 acres of rice to the 450 already in the spillway...
Mississippi Flooding Preparations For Louisiana
Mississippi Flooding Preparations For Louisiana
Mississippi Flooding Preparations For Louisiana
The flooding on the Mississippi River will mean problems for Louisiana, but just how many issues remains to be seen.  Governor Bobby Jindal has asked for National Guard support, sandbagging is going on feverishly and the Army Corps Of Engineers is monitoring everything.
Flooding Worries Escalate
Flooding Worries Escalate
Flooding Worries Escalate
The president of St. Mary Parish states in a press release that concerns over flooding is prompting him to call for a meeting with other local officials along with the Army Corps of Engineers. He is encouraging his colleagues to invite other officials.