There used to be a time when people of all creeds, cultures, and backgrounds would assemble around a beer tap and argue about things. Most of those things were based on rumor. Some would swear their second or third hand knowledge of the incident gained from a friend or a cousin who was "actually there when it happened" made their statements beyond reproach. Then came the Internet and site called is the unofficial last word in in arguments. This is a site that takes rumors and investigates them. They then offer a conclusion based on real facts as to whether or not the supposition was real or fabricated.

There have been many times the state of Louisiana has been put under the microscope of Here are some of our favorites. Which ones have you heard of?  Which ones are actually true?


  • ABC 23 - Bakersfield
    ABC 23 - Bakersfield

    Twerking Banned In DeQuincy

    If you've ever traveled to scenic DeQuincy then you know there is a lot to "twerk" about. It's a great community filled with wonderful people who don't twerk for just anyone. If they were to twerk the long arm of the law wouldn't have a problem with it. The source of this rumor was determined to be a third rate "comedian" who liked writing outrageous claims regarding DeQuincy. Like this comedian's career these claims fall flat under the bright light of the truth. says this rumor is false. 

  • Thomas Cain/Getty Images
    Thomas Cain/Getty Images

    Louisiana No Longer Has Trade Agreements With Ireland.

    Why in heaven's name would anyone not want to do business with Ireland? Sure they like to drink, so do we. Sure they like to fight, so do we. Sure they have a lot of Catholics, so do we. Sure they talk with an accent, so do we. What's not to love about Ireland? Well they did legalize gay marriage and that upset Bobby Jindal. It might be considered true since he likes to destroy things like our state's economy. He allegedly does this to make himself look better.The rumor began to circulate that  he cut off trade agreements with Ireland over the issue. Well that was the rumor. According to it's false. 

  • WAFB

    Morganza Snake

    This incredibly long and large reptile has a very special place in our hearts. Allegedly this snake was photographed making its way down a Louisiana highway after it was forced from its natural habitat by the opening of the Morganza Spillway a few years ago. Let's just say that would have been a heck of a flood because this species of snake lives in Australia. I don't think the surging waters of the Atchafalaya River could have affected down under wildlife in such a significant way. agrees this one is false too.

  • Think Stock
    Think Stock

    Killer Dolphins Released During Hurricane Katrina

    Dolphins cold blooded or should I say warm blooded killers? That could never happen. Or could that happen? It seems that the United States Department of Defense may or may not have been involved in covert operations to train dolphins as anti-terrorist agents. It is alleged that several of these highly trained sea mammals were accidentally released into the wild in flooding that followed Hurricane Katrina. According to this neither confirmed not denied, but they go with a "probably not".

  • staff photo
    staff photo

    Cash Sales For Used Items Banned

    This would absolutely kill Louisiana's flourishing garage sale industry. Think about it. We all have sold something we no longer needed to someone who wanted it and they paid cash. Why would anyone even create such a rumor? Actually this was supposed to be part of legislation that would tighten a loophole against criminals who steal items and then sell them for cash to buy drugs. It supposedly was hidden in House Bill 195. Which does actually address the issue of cash sales but not in the way the rumor suggested. found it was okay to buy junk using cash. 

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