Abortion Bill Would Make Louisiana 1 Of Toughest Places To Get Abortion
Mississippi’s governor has signed a bill that bans abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy instead of the current 20th week. A similar bill has been introduced by Shreveport Democrat Senator John Milkovich. During his appearance on Talk Louisiana with Jim Engster, he said the issue mentioned to him the most when he ran for office was how and when Louisiana would ban abortions. He says the bill is hopefully the first step.
"I'd love to see the day when Louisiana will lead America in stopping abortions. I think it brings a curse, it's murder. I don't think we can stand idly by."
A suit has already been filed against Mississippi by the state’s only abortion clinic. Milkovich isn’t worried about what federal judges might decide, because by refraining to do the right thing gets nothing accomplished.
"We're supposed to participate in democracy. I don't think it's our job to get
pre-approval of state legislation by the federal courts."
There are three abortion clinics in Louisiana - Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Shreveport. Milkovich says they don’t care about the patients they are treating. Their only concern is their financial gain.
"As soon as it becomes non profitable, these abortion clinics are out of business, out of town, shut down like a Jiffy Lube, Tank N Tote, Dunkin' Donuts."