Midland, LA (KPEL News) - I've been a south Louisiana resident my entire life, and people who aren't familiar with this part of the country inevitably ask if we have alligators as pets. If you live in the more rural parts of south Louisiana, like Vermilion or Acadia Parish, you don't have a pet gator, but you are likely familiar with them. The reptiles populate several of the waterways, and it's not uncommon for some of to catch a glimpse of them from time to time as they wander outside of their normal area.

What would you do if you got to work and there was one just chilling by the door?

That's what happened on Tuesday (4/30) at a rural high school in Acadia Parish. Midland High School, west of Crowley, sits in the middle of open fields with waterways in the vicinity. It's not surprising that they had a visitor, but it sure was shocking!

Midland High School
Google Maps

A faculty member at Midland High discovered the alligator surreptitiously hiding in the bushes near the school's gym. What's extremely disconcerting is that some students and faculty walked right by and never even noticed it.

To be fair, as you'll see in the picture, the reptilian guy was very still and only the snout was poking out. I probably would have walked right by, as well.

alligator in the bushes
Anonymous Source

The teacher promptly notified the administration, and Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries went out to relocate the gator. My grand daughter is a student at Midland and told me that they kept all the children in the school while LDWF completed the task. She said there were several first responders that showed up to assist in whatever way they could.

They determined that the alligator was 7 feet long.

The school is knows as the Midland High Rebels. The pic below circulated among students, jokingly suggesting that they change their names. Well played!

alligator in the bushes
Courtesy Braylie Istre

Alligators have been known to wander outside of their usual territory. Reports pop up sporadically from Texas to Florida where they live about them wandering public streets or near people's homes. YIKES! It's always slightly terrifying.

If you happen to see one where it shouldn't be, call law enforcement and they will call LDWF to take care of the situation. Better them than me or you!

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