Danny Gallagher is a freelance writer, reporter, humorist and all around nice guy living in Texas who is a regular contributor to TheFW and has also contributed features, essays and stories to Maxim, GameTrailers, Aol, TruTV's "Dumb As a Blog," Cracked, Mental Floss, CBS' "Mancave Daily and Spike. He also likes puppies and cookies. He can be found on the web at www.dannygallagher.net and on Twitter @thisisdannyg.
Danny Gallagher
18 Signs That You’re at an Awful Barbecue
Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer, and that means it's time for one of our favorite things: grilling. Sometimes, however, what should be such a simple process can go horribly wrong.
Baby Kidnappers Foiled by Family Dog
A family in Indianapolis, Indiana faced a moment that all loving parents dread. Fortunately, their dog spared them from the ultimate horror.
Bacon Could Become Even Better, Thanks to Genetics
Bacon is one of the few foods on this Earth that is perfect and beautiful all by itself, it doesn't need seasoning or melted cheese. However, that hasn't stopped some scientists from trying to make it even tastier...
School Won’t Let Student Grow a Mustache for Charity
It's always nice to see kids doing something to raise awareness or money to help their fellow man. Apparently, one school in Bedforshire, England doesn't feel the same way.
Cassette Tapes Could Make a Big Comeback
Remember the good ol' days when you didn't need some kind of magical, electronic device like the iPod to listen to your music? Cassette tapes haven't completely disappeared from our existence. In fact, they might just be the way of the future.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Fourth of July
The legend of America’s birth is only 236 years old. However, in that short amount of time, a number of legends that would normally take centuries to grow and multiply in any other civilization have sprung up.
Have a Donut (or a Dozen) for National Donut Day
If you put down that morning Cruller or Long John because you're trying to watch your figure or keep your blood sugar from skyrocketing, go ahead and have one. Just tell yourself it's National Donut Day.
10 Signs Your Parents Take Easter Way Too Seriously
Some parents can get too wrapped up in the spirit of the holiday for their children.
Save Your Pennies By Making Your Own Shamrock Shake at Home
Now you can make your own with your personal touches.