Blue Dog ‘I Voted Sticker’ Touted By Secretary Of State Schedler
I am pleased and I am disappointed at the same time regarding the news that Louisiana's Secretary of State Tom Schedler is calling the "Blue Dog I Voted Sticker" one his department's best investments ever.
Really Tom? Of all the things at your department's fingertips and control, a sticker is what you're hanging your hat on?
Alright, I am being a weenie about this but a sticker. Really?
Since it's only fair, let me give Secretary Schedler his props on this. The "sticker" did create an awareness among the electorate. It was a visible reminder to those who had not voted that their vote was important. It was a great visible statement for those that did vote to let others know it was their turn to cast a ballot. I do think of those a good things, so I can see Mr. Schedler's point, at least in theory.
The state only invested $20,000 in the stickers and the Rodrigue family was kind enough to forego any royalties that could have been charged. So, I guess as investments go, Secretary Schedler did get a very nice bang for our bucks.
What is a major concern to me is how Secretary Schedler mentioned that people were disappointed they "didn't get a Blue Dog sticker" when they voted because the polling places were out.
Tom, is that why we vote now? To get a sticker?
If that's the case let's design "I Voted Stickers" like we do license plates. There could be an LSU I Voted, A Black Bear I Voted, An I'm A Cajun and I'm Proud and Voted sticker or the ever popular One Time the Saints won the Superbowl and I Voted sticker. Hell, why even bother with the issues. Let's just do it for the stickers, Tom.
Don't get me wrong, I am for anything that gets educated voters to the polls to have their voice on the important issues of the day and the future heard. Did you notice the word educated in that sentence? In my heart of hearts, I can't equate getting a sticker with understanding proposed amendments to the state's constitution.
I'd hate to one day in the future stand with my grandchildren looking upon the ruins of our state, it's infrastructure, and it's economic collapse and having to say. " I got a sticker for doing that to your future. It was a darn nice sticker. But, just the same it was only a sticker."