
Posts that contain audio interviews, sound bites etc.

Durel Syas Bell Helicopter To Bring 250 Jobs To Lafayette
Durel Syas Bell Helicopter To Bring 250 Jobs To Lafayette
Durel Syas Bell Helicopter To Bring 250 Jobs To Lafayette
American rotorcraft manufacturer Bell Helicopter have announced plans to begin construction on a Lafayette facility in early 2014. Lafayette City-Parish President Joey Durel joined "Mornings with Ken and Bernie" to discuss what Bell Helicopter's decision to locate in the Hub City means for Lafayette.
Lafayette Chamber: School Board Will Be Priority
Lafayette Chamber: School Board Will Be Priority
Lafayette Chamber: School Board Will Be Priority
Shortly after finishing his first 100 days as the chief executive officer and president of the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, Jason El Koubi referred to the Lafayette Parish School Board as being in a state of "dysfunction."

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