
Ten Percent Increase On The Edge Of Tone Deaf
Ten Percent Increase On The Edge Of Tone Deaf
Ten Percent Increase On The Edge Of Tone Deaf
The UL System announced that they are increasing tuition by a measure of ten percent.  That means that things will be seeing a big increase for people in the area that want to get a better education. Locally, UL is a fine school and educates people in all sorts of fields...
So Goes Wal-Mart, So Goes The Economy?
So Goes Wal-Mart, So Goes The Economy?
So Goes Wal-Mart, So Goes The Economy?
This can't be a good sign at all.  Wal-Mart has come out with some disappointing returns on sales and there is word that privately, officials with the company are worried.  Other retailers are noticing similar things as Target, Dollar General and others are noticing a downward trend in their sales...
Study Encourages Flatulent Flyers To Let It Rip
Study Encourages Flatulent Flyers To Let It Rip
Study Encourages Flatulent Flyers To Let It Rip
Yes, believe it or not, there was a study on this.  The New Zealand Medical Journal published the results of the study on Friday, saying that it was more healthy for people to fart while in flight than to hold it in. There were some particularly enlightening statements made in the study that were just too good not to share...
Who Should Run For Senate For The GOP?
Who Should Run For Senate For The GOP?
Who Should Run For Senate For The GOP?
So, who should it be?  There have been a lot of names floating around out there and many of them seem like they would work.  Names like John Fleming, who was recently mentioned as a possibility along with others like Charles Boustany and even his recent opponent for Congress, Jeff Landry...
USDA Program Claims The Pilgrims Were Illegal Aliens
USDA Program Claims The Pilgrims Were Illegal Aliens
USDA Program Claims The Pilgrims Were Illegal Aliens
Our tax dollars at work once again.  This time it was in the form of cultural sensitivity training being held at the USDA.  Now, mind you, the USDA is supposed to serve farmers and ranchers and promote food safety.  You can see how sensitivity training would help out farmers nationwide...
Mardi Gras Around the Country
Mardi Gras Around the Country
Mardi Gras Around the Country
While you can't say that Mardi Gras is a uniquely Louisianan event, you can say that the state has the market cornered on the amount of celebrations.  Still, there are others that celebrate as far and as wide as California, Michigan and even Wisconsin...
Voter Fraud Happens
Voter Fraud Happens
Voter Fraud Happens
I want to preface this by saying that I am not a believer that the 2012 election was stolen.  I believe that the President was able to turn out more people to vote for him than what Mitt Romney was able to turn out to vote for him.  All of that said, when you hear a story like this, it does put doubt into your mind...

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