
Media Bias Becomes Even More Obvious
Media Bias Becomes Even More Obvious
Media Bias Becomes Even More Obvious
The Media Research Center recently put together an analysis of the media coverage of the recent Mitt Romney overseas trip.  Their findings only prove what so many have been saying for so long.  Media coverage of the trip was 86 percent about the bad things that happened on the trip...
IRS To Olympic Athletes – Pay Up
IRS To Olympic Athletes – Pay Up
IRS To Olympic Athletes – Pay Up
I could not believe it.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the story from The Weekly Standard about what the IRS is doing to our athletes that are lucky enough to win a medal in the Olympic games.  In case you haven't heard, let me elaborate...
What Draws Us to the Olympics?
What Draws Us to the Olympics?
What Draws Us to the Olympics?
What is it about the Olympics that makes us all stop and pay attention?  What is it about people taking part in sports that, for the most part, so few of us actually keep up with?  Face it, during the off years, you don't keep up with diving, track and field or some of the other Olympic sports that we will see in the next couple of weeks...
White House Is Now Hosting Members of A Terrorist Group?
White House Is Now Hosting Members of A Terrorist Group?
White House Is Now Hosting Members of A Terrorist Group?
A recent bit of testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has a lot of people outraged.  In it, she says that they will continue to host members of a group that the State Department has called a terrorist organization at the White House...
Can Free Speech Be Confined To A Certain Place
Can Free Speech Be Confined To A Certain Place
Can Free Speech Be Confined To A Certain Place
Indiana University Southeast has a "free speech" policy that they say helps to regulate speakers who want to come to campus and express views.  According to Fox News, "US's code also requires university approval for acts of 'expressed opinions' by submitting an application at least five days in advance...
Blame Game Helps No One in Colorado Shooting
Blame Game Helps No One in Colorado Shooting
Blame Game Helps No One in Colorado Shooting
I had one of those moments this morning that you don't want to have.  I got the call at 4:30 telling me that the Colorado Shooting had taken place.  With 12 dead and nearly 60 injured in the mass shooting, you have many thoughts that go through your head...
Life On the Other Side of 40
Life On the Other Side of 40
Life On the Other Side of 40
Its been a big year for me as I cross the threshold between, "Boy are you young" and "Wow, you're how old?"  Today is my 40th birthday.  It is not something I have talked about much because for years I have subscribed to the idea that age is just a number on a piece of paper...

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