One of the last major events in the foreseeable future has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 epidemic. CMA Fest in Nashville, which was scheduled to be held June 4-7, was one of the last holdouts as far as cancellations go. And even those of us who were anxiously awaiting an update knew that this news was coming.

The official statement on their website says :

'After careful deliberation, and in following the latest guidance from national, state and local authorities, we are sad to announce that CMA Fest will not take place in 2020.

Whether you planned to attend CMA Fest for the first time, or you have attended many times throughout the last 48 years, we know how special this festival is for Country Music fans around the globe and that many will be disappointed by this decision. As the world is still greatly affected by the spread of COVID-19, we cannot in good conscience risk the health and well-being of our fans, artists, staff and Country Music community.'

If you already bought tickets, you have two options. You can request a refund, or save your four day passes for next year, when the festival will be held on June 10-13, 2021. Check out a highlight video below from 2018 CMA Fest.




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