Residents of storm-damaged Louisiana that qualify for the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are being given one more opportunity to apply for that assistance. Louisiana's Department of Children and Family Services is reopening the application process for two days, this Tuesday, September 15th and Wednesday, September 16th.

Officials feel that many residents who were severely impacted by Hurricane Laura are not aware of the DSNAP benefits. Therefore the extra registration time has been granted. Remember DSNAP benefits differ from regular SNAP benefits because the assistance is not based on income.

DSNAP assistance is for any family in a designated storm-affected area that lost food because of the storm or needs food because they are unable to work because of the storm. The application process can be done online or via the telephone.

In order to sign up for DSNAP benefits online, you'll need to follow this link. Or, if you prefer or online services are not available to you, you may dial the LAHelpU customer service center at 1-888-524-3578.

If you're not really sure whether you qualify for DSNAP benefits or your not sure exactly what is covered by the benefits here is a link to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the program.


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