Fans Expected To Wear Masks Inside Of Superdome For Upcoming Games
According to reports, fans attending Saints games in the Superdome this season will be expected to wear masks at games. With an indoor mask mandate in place city-wide, Saints fans should be prepared if they are attending the first preseason game on August 23, 2021.
See the report that came out from @wdsu on Twitter below.
The report indicates that those attending games are "expected" to wear a mask inside of the Superdome, as the citywide indoor mask mandate is currently in place for New Orleans. This all comes from New Orleans Communications Director Beau Tidwell.
While the #WhoDatNation certainly cannot wait to get back to The Dome for some football, there have been mixed reactions to the news on social media.
Some on Twitter disagree with the expectation placed on fans attending games at the Superdome.
Others believe that there need to be even more measures in place at the Superdome.
And many others are wondering how these expectations or measures will be enforced at all.
But one Twitter response in particular stood out to me...
Let's hope, with all of the turmoil happening in training camp, that this isn't a season where Saints fans will be pulling the paper bags from the back of the closet.