Florida Town Stunned By News Of Police KKK Ties
FRUITLAND PARK, Fla. (AP) — Residents of a small, central Florida town say they're shocked and disgusted by the recent disclosure that two members of its police force are accused of being members of the Ku Klux Klan.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement this week released a report saying Fruitland Park Deputy Chief David Borst and Officer George Hunnewell were Klan members. Borst denies being a member.
Borst resigned and Hunnewell was fired last week. A third Fruitland Park officer resigned in 2010 after his Klan ties became public.
A researcher with the Southern Poverty Law Center says it's extremely rare nowadays to find police officers who are Klan members.
Cases the officers worked on also are under scrutiny. On Friday, prosecutors dismissed three cases — two traffic offenses and a misdemeanor battery.
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