(St. Martinville, La.)-On February 8-10, 2011, four St. Martin Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputies attended a class hosted by Chief Jim Craft and the Lafayette Po
St. Martin Parish Sheriff's Office Car

lice Department in conjunction with the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, entitled “Data Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety” (DDACTS).

The class provided instruction on how to combine crime and traffic crash statistics to develop a map where the two overlap; then provide guided enforcement in those areas through high-visibility traffic stops.  The class encouraged coordination between law enforcement, other agencies, businesses, and the general public, by providing a unified approach to crime and crash reduction in these overlapping areas.   The goal of this program is to reduce the amount of crashes and crime within the designated “hot spots” throughout the Parish as determined by the crime and crash statistics.
The Sheriff’s Office has previously been conducting this type of activity with our S.L.I.C.E. (Street Level Interdiction and Crime Enforcement) Team, as they concentrate their efforts on high crime areas as designated by their stats that are reviewed quarterly.  We will be enhancing this program by using the DDACTS Model and involving more of the Patrol Department in areas where crime and crashes overlap.  We will also be working with State Police who have also committed to the program and will assist in designated areas.  The areas of concentration will continually change according to the information and statistics that are received and reviewed.
Those in attendance at the training from the St. Martin Parish Sheriff’s Office were:  Lt. Donald Poirier, Lt. Chad Gaudet, Lt. James Thibodaux, and Capt. Waversun Guidry.

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